Quand les ondes dessinent des motifs géométriques

Le professeur Laure Saint-Raymond, de l'Académie des sciences, donnera une conférence grand public le 5 juin au Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen.

A transdisciplinary conference on nonlinearity and disorder in wave phenomena, from microscopic to physiologic and astronomical scales

The conference will consist of several parallel topical meetings and plenary sessions. Topical meetings will focus on:

  • Nonlinear waves and turbulence in space plasmas
  • Nonlinear waves at interfaces
  • Nonlinear waves in biology
  • Partial differential equations and modelling
  • Spatio-temporal phenomena in nonlinear optics
  • Wave phenomena in disordered systems
  • To get a more precise idea of the contents, please have a look at the (fantastic) book of abstracts.

    When and where:

    Save the date: 4-7 June 2019 in Nice, France. See Venue about the exact location, where to stay and how to move around in Nice. For more details, please see the program overview.

    wavescotedazur poster

    Conference dinner:

    A standup cocktail will be served thursday evening in the Parc Valrose during the poster session, please join this session which we expect to be scientifically rich, and not only that.


    All the conference expenses are covered by our sponsors: There are no conference fees, lunch and coffee breaks will be served to all participants. In addition, some funding is available in forms of travel grants, especially for junior researchers. Please contact the organizers before april 15th about that.

    Plenary speakers:
