Lorenzo Matteini
Lorenzo Matteini

Investigating properties of solar wind turbulence at sub-ion scales with in situ data and numerical simulations

Lorenzo Matteini
LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, 5 Pl. Jules Janssen, 92195 Meudon CEDEX, France

We investigate the transition of the solar wind turbulent cascade from MHD to sub-ion range by means of in situ observations and hybrid numerical simulations. First, we focus on the angular distribution of wave-vectors in the kinetic range, between ion and electron scales, using Cluster magnetic field measurements. Observations suggest the presence of a quasi-2D gyrotropic distribution around the mean field, confirming that turbulence is characterised by fluctuations with $k_\perp>>k_|$ in this range; this is consistent with what is usually found at larger MHD scales, and in good agreement with our hybrid simulations.

We then consider the magnetic compressibility associated with the turbulent cascade and its evolution from large-MHD to sub-ion scales. The ratio of field-aligned to perpendicular fluctuations, typically low in the MHD inertial range, increases significantly when crossing ion scales and its value in the sub-ion range is a function of the total plasma beta, with higher magnetic compressibility for higher beta. Moreover, we observe that this increase has a gradual trend from low to high beta in the data; this behaviour is well captured by the numerical simulations. The level of magnetic field compressibility that is observed in situ and in the simulations is in fairly good agreement with the prediction based on kinetic Alfvén waves (KAW), especially at high beta, suggesting that in the kinetic range explored the turbulence is supported by KAW-like fluctuations.

Luca Franci
Luca Franci

Interpreting spacecraft observations of plasma turbulence with kinetic numerical simulations in the low electron beta regime

Luca Franci
Queen Mary University of London, 327 Mile End Road, E1 4NS, London, United Kingdom
We present numerical results from high-resolution hybrid and fully kinetic simulations of plasma turbulence, following the development of the energy cascade from large magnetohydrodynamic scales down to electron characteristic scales. We explore a regime of plasma turbulence where the electron plasma beta is low, typical of environments where the ions are much hotter than the electrons, e.g., the Earth’s magnetosheath and the solar corona, as well as regions downstream of collisionless shocks. In such range of scales, recent theoretical models predict a different behaviour in the nonlinear interaction of dispersive wave modes with respect to what is typically observed in the solar wind, i.e., the presence of so-called inertial kinetic Alfvén waves. We also extend our analysis to scales around and smaller than the electron gyroradius, where hints of a further steepening of the magnetic and electric field spectra have been recently observed by the NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale mission, although not yet supported by theoretical models. Our numerical simulations exhibit a remarkable quantitative agreement with recent observations by MMS in the magnetosheath, allowing us to investigate simultaneously the spectral break around ion scales and the two spectral breaks at electron scales, the magnetic compressibility, and the nature of fluctuations at kinetic scales.