Luca Franci
Luca Franci

Interpreting spacecraft observations of plasma turbulence with kinetic numerical simulations in the low electron beta regime

Luca Franci
Queen Mary University of London, 327 Mile End Road, E1 4NS, London, United Kingdom
We present numerical results from high-resolution hybrid and fully kinetic simulations of plasma turbulence, following the development of the energy cascade from large magnetohydrodynamic scales down to electron characteristic scales. We explore a regime of plasma turbulence where the electron plasma beta is low, typical of environments where the ions are much hotter than the electrons, e.g., the Earth’s magnetosheath and the solar corona, as well as regions downstream of collisionless shocks. In such range of scales, recent theoretical models predict a different behaviour in the nonlinear interaction of dispersive wave modes with respect to what is typically observed in the solar wind, i.e., the presence of so-called inertial kinetic Alfvén waves. We also extend our analysis to scales around and smaller than the electron gyroradius, where hints of a further steepening of the magnetic and electric field spectra have been recently observed by the NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale mission, although not yet supported by theoretical models. Our numerical simulations exhibit a remarkable quantitative agreement with recent observations by MMS in the magnetosheath, allowing us to investigate simultaneously the spectral break around ion scales and the two spectral breaks at electron scales, the magnetic compressibility, and the nature of fluctuations at kinetic scales.
Jason Tenbarge
Jason Tenbarge

Energy Dissipation and Phase Space Dynamics in Eulerian Vlasov-Maxwell Plasmas

Jason Tenbarge
Princeton University, 4 Ivy Ln, Princeton, NJ 08544 USA
We present a novel algorithm for the numerical solution of the multi-species, non-relativistic, Vlasov-Maxwell system in the Gkeyll simulation framework, which uses high order discontinuous Galerkin finite elements to discretize the system on an upto a 3D-3V phase space grid. The resulting numerical method is robust and retains a number of important properties of the continuous system, such as conservation of mass and energy, yet the method is computationally efficient and performs well at scale on cutting edge high performance computational resources. We leverage the pristine phase space representation made possible by directly discretizing phase space to examine energy dissipation in a variety of systems relevant to space and astrophysical plasmas. Specifically, we employ the field-particle correlation technique and Fourier-Hermite decomposition in phase space to directly diagnose the exchange of energy between fields and particles and the flow of energy in phase space. We present results from a variety of simple systems, including magnetic pumping, resonant wave damping, and Langmuir turbulence, and we also apply the field-particle correlation technique to 2D-3V Vlasov-Maxwell simulations of reconnection and turbulence.