Neil Broderick
Neil Broderick

Soliton Explosions and Optical Rogue Waves

Neil Broderick
Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic and Quantum Technologies, Department of Physics, University of Auckland
We will present our recent results regarding the observation of soliton explosions in an all-normal dispersion fibre laser. Using a real time dispersive Fourier transform we were able to make single shot measurements of the spectrum showing how the explosion happens in frequency space and how this translates to the temporal behaviour of the pulse. Simulations of the generalised nonlinear Schrodinger equation agree well with the experimental results and highlight the regions between stability and chaos in such systems. Further investigations highlight the presence of optical rogue waves and chimera states in such a laser which will be discussed in the presentation.
Sergei Turitsyn
Sergei Turitsyn

Spatio-temporal dynamics in fibre lasers

Sergei Turitsyn
Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies, Aston University, B4 7ET, Birmingham, UK
Understanding of the properties of nonlinear photonic systems is important both for the fundamental science and because of their relevance to numerous applications of light technology. Nonlinearity is an essential component in the design of numerous photonic devices, but it is often shunned by engineers in view of its practical intractability and greatly increased difficulty of comprehension of system behavior. The understanding and mastering of nonlinear effects can translate into improving performance of the existing devices and enabling a new generation of engineering concepts. However, many measurement techniques and signal processing methods have been developed and optimised for linear systems. Understanding of nonlinear dynamics would greatly benefit from new measurement approaches. I will review our recent works on the nonlinear science of fibre lasers, including spatio-temporal dynamics and new approaches for theoretical and experimental analysis of such systems.